When 2 and 2 make 1 (an answer) is a piece that Seymour calls from the depths of his being, it is ‘The answer’ he’s been searching for throughout his existence, as they say, everything is complicated because everything is so simple. This piece also serves as an allusion and a foreshadow of what occurred during his return from sabbatical. Thus his journey begins searching for the lady who will complete the equation.
WHEN 2 AND 2 MAKE 1 (AN ANSWER) music composed and mixed by DEXTER STORY
when 2 and 2 make 1
a moment can glimpse paradise
drown me in the center of your magic
teasin u, melts inside the webs of my lonely fingers
when 2 and 2 make 1
the outside world’s a foggy mirror
only in your eyes, am I immortalized
oh spread your lips apart, truly a work of art
soon you’ll be fast asleep…
and if there’s an endless mystery I think I’ve found it
when 2 and 2 make 1
when 2 and 2 make 1